Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

Bye bye sibutramine

It' getting better all the time...
(the beatles)

It's getting better today.
I went to my buddy's wedding party today. Although I didn't see lot of my friends, I was glad because I could make him happy at last for attending one of his biggest days.
Last night I had a little terrified feeling(again) but this time because of a real cause. My notebook adapter didn't work for no reason. Huh, but it's OK, today I've got the substitute hehe.
What else? Oh yeah, I've finally realized that the etiology of my last week mourning was the drugs i had taken days before. I'd taken sibutramine to reduce my 3kg excess of weight. Although the drug did work, but the adverse effect was terrible that I'd never thought before. According to precaution note, beside any cardiovascular effect, sibutramine can also cause depression. Although it's not common but it might have happened before, so the scientists have to warrant the patient and also the doctor for this unexpected effect.
But thanks God, maybe because this drugs have totally diminished from my body, so I think I can back to normal life today.
So, goodbye sibutramine. I think it's better for me to be drawn in fat, rather than I have to involve in a syndrome called depression.
Maybe in my later blog, I will write further about sibutramine.

1 komentar:

trisde mengatakan...


kalo hilangin 3 kilo bikin depresi, kalo aku mau ilangin 10 kilo? bingung deh..

diet.. nda diet.. diet.. nda diet..

jadi jawaban nya untuk aku, nda diet dulu deh :) he he he